
Our non profit association “Hôtel Bodard de la Jacopière” has listed the potential partners of the project and already enlisted a few.

Contacts are in progress and the list will be updated.


The City of Chinon
The Communauté de Communes Chinon Vienne et Loire
The local Heritage conservation professionals
The local Heritage architects
The local associations specializing in Heritage conservation
The Rabelais highschool
The local vocational training school (Compagnons du devoir)


Universities : Orléans, Le Mans, Tours, Poitiers, Angers
Fine Arts schools
The regional Heritage conservation professionals
The Compagnons du devoir (regional level)
The Musée du compagnonnage in Tours
The « Villes et Pays d’Art et d’Histoire » label
The regional nature park (Loire- Anjou-Touraine)
The regional board of architects (maison de l’architecture – Orléans)
The regional Heritage conservation administrations (DRAC Centre, Pays de la Loire, Nouvelle Aquitaine)


The “Action Cœur de Ville” national revitalization program
The “Stéphane Bern mission”
National Heritage conservation associations : VMF, DH, SPEF
The French Ministry of Culture and Communication
The Chaillot school of patrimonial architecture
The French Monuments museum
The National association of Heritage conservation architects
The Commonwealth of French Heritage conservation professionals (GMH)
The French Fondation du Patrimoine


The European Union
European universities
European schools of architecture and Heritage conservation (Turin, Florence, Rome, Louvain)
National Trust UK
Unesco’s World Heritage